State of the Industry – 2021-Q2

Here is the quarterly Exotek State of the Industry Report in which we consolidate various sources of information into a single report. We look at economic indicators and key vendor releases to get a better idea of the overall health of our industry. Highlights include:

  • The latest economic indicators which were all pointing to strong growth. As I mentioned, the PMI index is as high as it has been in over 25 years.  According to Yahoo!News,  US manufacturing activity hits a 37-year high. The upswing in new orders is prompted by pent-up demand. This is great news for our SI community as increased manufacturing inevitably fuels the need for more automation, perhaps even more so in this COVID era where there is a push to reduce manufacturing dependency on manual labor.
  • All of the six biggest manufacturing industries — Fabricated Metal Products; Chemical Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Computer & Electronic Products; Transportation Equipment; and Petroleum & Coal Products, in that order — registered moderate to strong growth in April.
  • Revenue growth from key vendors including Rockwell, Schneider, Siemens, and NI with Emerson report flat revenue from prior year.

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May 19, 2021
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