Exotek Peer Group Survey

One of the most common reasons that we hear for folks not joining a peer group is that they are ‘too busy’. We get it. Being a leader in a systems integration organization is difficult. Customers are demanding. Project deadlines are always looming. So, joining a peer group may seem like just one more thing to add to your already full plate.

So, Exotek is conducting a short survey (will take you less than a minute to complete)Rest assured that your responses are intended for research purposes only and will be reported and used in aggregate with responses. We will make the collective results available, but individual responses will be kept confidential.

(If you want to be notified of the results)

We appreciate your interest and willingness to participate in this survey and want to thank you in advance for your time! If you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey, please feel free to contact us.