Hiring a Leadership Coach

In Dare to Lead, Brene Brown points out that vulnerability is not a weakness, but an essential asset for innovation and growth. Courageous leaders give and solicit honest feedback. And, that our perfectionism can hold us back from self-improvement. So, recognizing and admitting that we do not know everything and asking a coach to foster our self-improvement takes courage.

There are several reasons to consider a leadership coach. For instance, if we are counting on newer, high-potential leaders, we may hire a leadership coach to help them gain essential leadership skills or gain confidence. And, as seasoned leaders, we may choose to work with a leadership coach to overcome a plateau, solve a specific challenge, or to accelerate the success of a particular goal. If you are considering a coach for you or one of your team member,  check out our new business brief on Hiring a Leadership Coach.

For those that are already using a coach or have done so in the past. Did you find valuable in your experience? How could have been better?

April 7, 2021
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