The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change

In the opening credit, it says that The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change is written for engineering managers. So it is definitely worth passing on to this community as we face the challenges of meeting the increasing demand for our services by our manufacturing clients that are emerging from the pandemic with even greater needs for automation. From the most recent CSIA EZStats, that vast majority of our community is looking to add people. This book offers some good insights on how to on-board those people as well as manage people at various levels of our organization.

  • The first chapter, Management 101, describes the basics of how to be managed and what to expect from a manager.
  • The next two chapter describe being a mentor and tech lead which are critical steps in an engineer’s path to management.
  • Then, there are four chapters on people management, team management, multi-team management, and managing managers. A
  • And the two final chapters are about senior leadership and culture management.

The book tracks the typical trajectory from entry-level engineer to engineering manager to executive. And, it actually mirrors the Exotek Leadership Empowerment Model. We know that leaders don’t just happen. It takes intentional development of your key people to manage their staff, their teams, the organization, and themselves.

June 8, 2021
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